Ink the future

Simplified DeFi for
built on the superchain

DeFi expectations

Sub-second block times

Sub-second block times

1s block times Day 1, sub-second blocks coming soon.
smol gas

Smol Gas

Ape more, pay less.


Sequencer-level security to protect users from malicious intents and exploits.


A commitment to the seamless flow of capital across the Superchain and beyond.
Unleashed by kraken

Unleashed by Kraken

Ink will leverage Kraken's security and crypto expertise to support builders and users alike as they move towards independent financial sovereignty.
Scaling Ethereum

Scaling Ethereum

Ink is dedicated to scaling Ethereum with a powerful L2 that enhances performance and accessibility.

Unleashed by

Unlock onchain financial sovereignty


Write your code with Ink

The next chapter of DeFi will be written with Ink. Ink is the bridge between users and the builders shaping DeFi. Powered by the Superchain and fortified by over a decade of crypto expertise, this is where visionary builders turn code into financial revolutions.

Our commitment to builders: Ink will provide you with a world- class development environment, complete with the tools, support, and users you need to bring your ideas to life.

Ink's testnet will be released soon. To stay updated, join below.

The future isn't written,
it's waiting to be inked.
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